Tamara (Tammy) Mandell has served as as the Director of Biotility since she helped with its inception in 2005.
The Biotechnician Assistant Credentialing Exam (BACE) has been added to Oregon and Alabama’s list of approved Industry Recognized Credentials (IRCs)!
Dr. Aresco, a BACE credential earner, is the biology and biomedical science instructor at the Magnet Innovation Center in Florida.
The Coalition of State Bioscience Institutes (CSBI) released the 2023 Life Sciences Workforce Trends Report. The biennial report provides a national snapshot of the most pressing current and anticipated talent needs of the nation’s dynamic life science industry, and this year the BACE has been featured.
In partnership with Biotility, the CGHI and its partners released a short film on the BACE, a national industry-recognized exam assessing core competencies and skills identified as valuable to the bioscience industries.
Jules’ BACE credential has been integral to her research experience as a student and to stand out academically among her peers.
Taylor believes his BACE credential has given him an upper hand as a lab assistant and student researcher.
Biotility is excited to announce that the Biotechnician Assistant Credentialing Exam (BACE) has been added to the Texas Education Authority’s list of approved Industry Recognized Credentials (IRCs) AND approved by …
Abigail feels the BACE credential greatly helped boost her academic and scientific research experience and without it, she may not yet be where she is today.
Frank earned his BACE credential and found that it allowed him to easily transition into college-level research.