Frequently Asked Questions
Use the tabs to toggle between the Candidate FAQ and the Administrator FAQs; or, scroll down to download the FAQ documents.
What is the best information resource for candidates preparing to take the BACE?
Candidates should review the appropriate Candidate Information Bulletin (CIB) before testing:
- CIB for Paper and Pencil Testing (PPT): Administered at an Exam Site via paper and pencil, monitored by in-person proctors.
- CIB for Computer-Based Testing (CBT): Administered at an Exam Site via computer, monitored by in-person proctors.
- CIB for Computer-Based Testing via Remote Testing Option: For candidates not testing at an Exam Site, the exam is taken and monitored remotely by ProctorU.
The CIB includes contact numbers, resource links, detailed exam descriptions, technical requirements, and exam policies.
What does the exam fee include?
The exam fee is $185 per candidate. The fee includes:
- Access to the online Practice Exam Course
- Two attempts at the exam (first and second)
- A digital credential upon passing
What is the format of the exam?
The BACE consists of one exam that includes both a Practical and a Knowledge portion. Candidates must complete both portions in one session. There are three administration methods available:
- Paper and Pencil Testing (PPT): The exam includes a paper and pencil format with a hands-on component for part of the Practical portion. This method is proctored at an approved Exam Site with a live proctor.
- Computer-Based Testing (CBT): The exam is administered at an approved Exam Site with a live proctor present. Candidates complete both the Knowledge and Practical portions on a computer.
- Computer-Based Testing via Remote Testing Option (RTO): The exam is taken remotely using a computer and is proctored by a third-party remote proctor, ProctorU.
How much time is allotted for the exam?
Candidates have up to four hours to complete the entire exam.
How many times may a candidate take the exam?
Candidates may take the exam up to three times per year.
How frequently may a candidate take the exam?
There is a mandatory 20-day waiting period between exam attempts. While 20 days is the minimum, candidates are encouraged to wait four to six weeks between attempts to allow sufficient time for study and improvement.
How do candidates create a username and password for UF e-Learning?
Candidates must have an account to access BACE content on UF e-Learning (UFEL). Biotility will email the Exam Site an invitation with a unique Enrollment Link to distribute to candidates. To create an account, candidates should:
- Select the Enrollment Link.
- Complete registration using an external identity (Google, LinkedIn, or Microsoft).
- Provide the requested registration information (name, birthdate, email address, and phone number).
- Verify the account by responding to the account confirmation email.
Please refer to the Guide to UF e-Learning section of the Candidate Information Bulletin (CIB) for a complete description of the account creation and enrollment process.
What are the recommended study references?
The suggested study references are listed below.
- Brown, J. Kirk. Biotechnology: A Laboratory Skills Course (Second Ed.). Hercules, CA: Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., 2018.
- Daugherty, Ellyn. Biotechnology: Laboratory Manual (Second Ed.). St. Paul, MN: Paradigm Publishing, Inc., 2017.
- Daugherty, Ellyn. Biotechnology: Science for the New Millennium (Second Ed.). St. Paul, MN: Paradigm Publishing, Inc., 2017
- Seidman, Lisa. Basic Laboratory Methods for Biotechnology: Textbook and Laboratory Reference (Third Ed.). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2021
Additionally, the online Practice Exam Course is an excellent representation of the content candidates will encounter during the actual exam, as well as home to supplemental study resources and materials. Many of the study materials within the Practice Exam Course are also available publicly on the Candidate Resources page.
What subjects are covered in the BACE?
The BACE exam is divided into two main portions: Knowledge and Practical. The Knowledge portion covers four essential categories: Technical Skills & Applications, Safety & Workplace Culture, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, and Regulation & Quality. The Practical portion is also divided into four categories: Biotechnology Skills, Applied Mathematics, Standard Equipment, and Experimental Design & Data Analysis.
For detailed information on how much each category contributes to the overall score and the specific sub-categories included on the exam, candidates should refer to the BACE Exam Specifications and the Detailed Exam Categories section in the Candidate Information Bulletin (CIB).
What happens if a candidate experiences technical difficulties during the exam?
If technical difficulties occur during the exam, candidates should notify the proctor immediately. For CBT or PPT at an exam site, the proctor will assist in resolving the issue. For RTO, candidates should follow the instructions provided by ProctorU for resolving technical issues. If the issue cannot be resolved during the exam, rescheduling, or retaking the exam may be necessary. Biotility should be contacted for further assistance if needed.
How do candidates request accommodations for a disability?
For CBT or PPT at an exam site, the exam site should contact Biotility at least two weeks before the exam date to discuss the candidate’s needs. For RTO, the individual candidate should send an email to BACE@research.ufl.edu at least two weeks in advance of the exam date. Documentation may be required to support the request. Biotility will work with the candidate and/or the exam site to ensure appropriate accommodations are provided.
What should candidates bring to the exam?
Candidates should refer to their Candidate Information Bulletin (CIB) for detailed instructions on what to bring and what is prohibited.
May candidates cancel or reschedule their exam?
Whether candidates can cancel or reschedule their exam depends on the testing method:
Computer-Based Testing (CBT) and Paper and Pencil Testing (PPT): Candidates should contact their exam site directly to discuss specific cancellation and rescheduling policies. Biotility does not provide refunds for missed or canceled exam dates. However, most exam sites offer a three-day window to complete exams, and Biotility allows make-up exams in certain situations, such as a documented illness.
Computer-Based Testing via Remote Testing Option (RTO): If a candidate misses the scheduled appointment, no fee will be incurred from Biotility as long as the exam is completed within the allotted time period (First Attempt – 180 days, Second Attempt – 90 days, Third Attempt – 90 days). However, candidates may be subject to a rescheduling fee from ProctorU.
How do candidates receive their exam results?
Computer-Based Testing (CBT/RTO): Candidates who take the exam on a computer can view their unofficial results immediately through UF e-Learning (UFEL). The official score report, including overall and category results, is sent to the Exam Site Administrator or directly to the candidate (if taken independently) within two to three weeks. To view category results online, candidates can sign into UF e-Learning, navigate to the course, and switch to the “Learning Mastery” Gradebook.
Paper and Pencil Testing (PPT): Candidates taking the exam via paper and pencil must wait for their official score report, which includes both overall and category results, to be sent to their Exam Site within two to three weeks. Category results for PPT are not available online.
What factors may lead to a candidate's score being invalidated?
Exam scores may be invalidated if the candidate violates the exam rules and policies outlined in the Candidate Information Bulletin (CIB). These rules include restrictions on communication, use of unauthorized materials, and conduct during the exam. It is important for candidates to review and follow these rules carefully to ensure their scores remain valid.
How do candidates receive their digital credential?
Upon passing the BACE, electronic credentials are sent to the candidate’s registered email address. Credentials are issued through Accredible, offering multiple options for sharing. More details are available in Accredible’s Recipient Knowledge Base.
How long is the BACE credential valid?
The BACE credential is valid for five years. To maintain the credential, candidates must retake and pass the BACE exam before the end of the five-year period. Keeping the credential up to date ensures that the candidate’s skills and knowledge remain current in the rapidly evolving biotechnology field.
How do employers verify a candidate's credential?
Employers can verify a BACE credential online using Accredible’s Credential Verification Tool. Verification methods include the credential URL, Credential ID number, or an open badge image upload.
Does Biotility have a public registry?
Biotility offers a public registry where credentialed candidates can choose to showcase their verified achievements. By opting into this registry, candidates make their credentials easily accessible for employers to view and verify, enhancing their professional visibility. This online registry highlights all verified credentials issued by Biotility, allowing employers to directly confirm a candidate’s accomplishments.
Why are significant figures NOT required in all of the calculations on the BACE?
In order to maintain accuracy when making calculations for solutions, a question may ask for significant figures, for a number with a specified amount of decimals, or for a whole number. It is important for candidates to remember to use significant figures only when the question specifically asks for them. Otherwise, they must follow the directions in each question.
For example, a candidate may see a question similar to the following:
“Calculate the volume in mL of 20X TAE Buffer required to make 1500 mL of 1X TAE Buffer. Record the correct amount below.”
C1V1 = C2V2
(1X TAE) (1500 mL) = (20X TAE) (V2)
V2 = 1500 mL / 20X TAE
V2 = 75 mL
If you were to follow significant digit rules, the answer would be 80 mL of 20X TAE stock buffer. However if you plug this answer back into the equation, you get a value of 0.9375X TAE buffer for C2, which is incorrect.
C1V1 = C2 V2
(20X TAE) (80 mL) = (C2) (1500 mL)
C2 = 1500 mL / 1600 mL
C2 = 0.9375X TAE
Please follow the directions in each question.
What is the best information resource for Exam Sites preparing to administer the BACE?
BACE Administration Documents – BACE Exam Site Personnel (BESP) should review the BACE Administration Documents for the current academic year. The key resource is the BACE Administration Procedures, a comprehensive checklist that includes links, timelines, and guidelines to ensure compliance with Biotility’s test administration policies. These documents are updated annually and published on Biotility’s website within one month of the academic year’s start.
BACE Reminders & Tips Emails – BESP are automatically enrolled in the BACE Reminders & Tips emails, sent every six weeks with site-specific actions. Individuals not directly involved with administering or proctoring the exam, such as staff and teachers, can opt in during Exam Site Registration or request enrollment via the Site Administrator at BACE@research.ufl.edu.
Biotility Client Service Representatives – When in doubt, reach out! Our Client Service Team is here to help you coordinate the BACE at your specific location. They are available Monday through Friday, 8 AM to 5 PM ET, at 386-462-3181 (Option #1) or BACE@research.ufl.edu.
What is the best information resource for candidates preparing to take the BACE?
Candidates should review the appropriate Candidate Information Bulletin (CIB) before testing:
- CIB for Paper and Pencil Testing (PPT): Administered at an Exam Site via paper and pencil, monitored by in-person proctors.
- CIB for Computer-Based Testing (CBT): Administered at an Exam Site via computer, monitored by in-person proctors.
- CIB for Computer-Based Testing via Remote Testing Option: For candidates not testing at an Exam Site, the exam is taken and monitored remotely by ProctorU.
The CIB includes contact numbers, resource links, detailed exam descriptions, technical requirements, and exam policies.
How does an institution register as an Exam Site?
Institutions and companies can register as BACE Exam Sites by completing the Exam Site Registration Form on the centralized BACE Exam Site Registration and Ordering website. This form also allows the designation of testing personnel. For full details, refer to the BACE Administration Documents.
When should an institution register as an Exam Site?
The Exam Site Registration Form must be completed annually. Most Exam Sites register 4 to 6 months in advance of testing to provide candidates ample time to use the Practice Exam Course for preparation.
How do BACE Exam Site Personnel (BESP) become qualified to administer the BACE?
Within one (1) week of completing the Exam Site Registration Form, each designated BESP will receive an email invitation to enroll in the BACE Exam Site Personnel Certification Course in UF e-Learning. This course must be completed annually and at least two (2) weeks before a testing event. The Administration Documents provide a detailed description of the process and requirements for each administration type.
Does Biotility require BACE Exam Site Personnel (BESP) to earn the credential in order to administer the BACE?
No, Biotility does not require BESP to earn the credential in order to administer the BACE. However, it is advisable for secondary and postsecondary schools to consult with their local or state Departments of Education to ensure compliance with any funding requirements related to teacher certification and industry-recognized credentials.
May BACE Exam Site Personnel (BESP) and educators earn the credential?
Exam Sites may not administer the BACE to BESP or educators. Educators and Exam Site Personnel are permitted to take the BACE directly through Biotility or through a Biotility approved teacher workshop. To register for the BACE through Biotility, they should visit the BACE Individual Registration Form or contact Biotility for more information on available teacher workshops.
How do Exam Sites place orders and schedule exams (including retakes)?
Exam Sites may place orders and schedule exams through the centralized BACE Exam Site Registration and Ordering website. For first and third attempts, the Exam Site Administrator must complete the BACE Order Form, specifying the number of exams needed and selecting a three-day testing window. For second attempts, the Exam Site Administrator only needs to complete the BACE 2nd Attempt Scheduling Form, selecting the three-day testing window.
May Exam Sites cancel or reschedule exams?
Biotility does not provide refunds for missed or canceled exam dates. However, exam sites are permitted a three-day window to complete exams, and make-up exams are permitted in specific situations, such as a documented illness. For detailed information on Biotility’s billing policies, including change requests, cancellations, and refunds, please refer to the Exam Site Ordering & Scheduling Process document.
Are there ordering deadlines?
First attempt orders must be submitted at least six (6) weeks before the testing date, while retake orders must be submitted at least two (2) weeks in advance.
What does the exam fee include?
The exam fee is $185 per candidate, which covers:
- Access to the online Practice Exam Course
- Two attempts at the exam (first and second)
- A digital credential upon passing
What payment methods are accepted?
Exam Sites may choose from three payment methods: EFT/ACH, credit card, or check. If paying by credit card, the Site Administrator and Billing Contact will receive an email with a payment link. For payments by check, they may be submitted to:
University of Florida
4735 NW 53rd Ave
Suite A
Gainesville, FL 32653
FEID 59-6002052
For a full description of payment options and deadlines, please review the Exam Site Ordering & Scheduling Process document.
What administration options are available?
The BACE is available in several administration methods to accommodate different testing environments and candidate needs. Each delivery option is designed to provide a secure and consistent testing experience, allowing flexibility based on the needs of the candidates and exam sites. The three BACE administration methods are:
- Paper and Pencil Testing (PPT): Candidates complete the exam in a science lab using a testing booklet and answer sheets. The exam includes a hands-on component, which accounts for approximately 15% of the Practical portion. This method is administered at an approved Exam Site with a live Exam Proctor and Skills Evaluator overseeing the process.
- Computer-Based Testing (CBT): Candidates complete the exam on a computer, typically in a testing center or classroom. This method is conducted at an approved Exam Site with a live Exam Proctor monitoring the session.
- Computer-Based Testing via Remote Testing Option (RTO): Candidates complete the exam from a remote location, such as their home. The exam is taken online using a computer and is proctored by a third-party service, ProctorU. Candidates are not permitted to take the RTO exam on their school campus. Exam Sites must contact a Biotility Client Service Representative by phone to arrange this option.
Is an Exam Site permitted to administer multiple administration methods in an academic year?
Yes, an Exam Site may administer multiple methods in an academic year, provided that the BACE Exam Site Personnel have completed the BACE Exam Site Personnel Certification Course for each respective method. Please note that no additional training is required for the Remote Testing Option (RTO), as ProctorU acts as the BACE Exam Site Personnel for this method.
Do BACE exam specifications vary across administration methods?
No, the exam specifications remain consistent across all administration methods. Each method covers the same categories and subcategories, with the same distribution of points per category. For detailed information on how much each category contributes to the overall score and the specific subcategories included in the exam, please refer to the BACE Exam Specifications and the Detailed Exam Categories documents.
What subjects are covered in the BACE?
The BACE exam is divided into two main portions: Knowledge and Practical. The Knowledge portion covers four essential categories: Technical Skills & Applications, Safety & Workplace Culture, Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, and Regulation & Quality. The Practical portion is also divided into four categories: Biotechnology Skills, Applied Mathematics, Standard Equipment, and Experimental Design & Data Analysis.
How many times may a candidate take the exam?
Candidates may take the exam up to three times per year.
How frequently may a candidate take the exam?
There is a mandatory 20-day waiting period between exam attempts. While 20 days is the minimum, candidates are encouraged to wait four to six weeks between attempts to allow sufficient time for study and improvement.
How much time is allotted for the exam?
Candidates have four hours to complete the exam.
What items are permitted during the exam?
Candidates are not permitted to bring any items into Exam Rooms.
For Computer-Based Testing, a calculator is provided on-screen within the exam. The Exam Proctor is responsible for providing a pencil and scratch paper.
For Paper and Pencil Testing, the Exam Proctor is responsible for providing a pencil and a basic non-programmable calculator. Scratch paper is not permitted, as candidates should use the workspace provided in their exam booklet.
What are the recommended study references?
The suggested study materials include:
- Brown, J. Kirk. Biotechnology: A Laboratory Skills Course (Second Ed.). Hercules, CA: Bio-Rad Laboratories, Inc., 2018.
- Daugherty, Ellyn. Biotechnology: Laboratory Manual (Second Ed.). St. Paul, MN: Paradigm Publishing, Inc., 2017.
- Daugherty, Ellyn. Biotechnology: Science for the New Millennium (Second Ed.). St. Paul, MN: Paradigm Publishing, Inc., 2017.
- Seidman, Lisa. Basic Laboratory Methods for Biotechnology: Textbook and Laboratory Reference (Third Ed.). Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2021.
Additionally, the online Practice Exam Course is an excellent representation of the content candidates will encounter during the actual exam, as well as home to supplemental study resources and materials. Many of the study materials within the Practice Exam Course are also available publicly on the Candidate Resources page.
What happens if technical difficulties or problems are encountered during the exam?
Despite preparation, unexpected issues like fire alarms or other disruptions may occur during an exam. The exam proctor should first troubleshoot using the guidance in the BACE Administration Policies and Procedures document, which lists common issues and solutions. If the issue cannot be resolved quickly, the proctor should immediately contact Biotility at 386-462-3181 (Option 1) for assistance. Any anomalies should be documented on the BACE Administrator Report in the Signs and Forms document. If the issue remains unresolved, rescheduling the exam may be necessary to ensure the affected candidates are tested fairly.
How do Exam Sites request accommodations for candidates with disabilities?
If a candidate needs testing accommodations, Exam Sites should email BACE@research.ufl.edu as soon as possible with a general description of the request. Biotility will respond with a list of the required information and documentation necessary to support the request. For further details, please refer to Biotility’s Exam Accommodations Policies in the BACE Administration Policies and Procedures document.
How do Exam Sites and candidates receive notice of candidate scores and credentials?
After completing the Computer-Based Test, candidates may immediately view their unofficial scores by navigating to the “Grades” section. Category results are accessible by selecting the “Learning Mastery” tab and reviewing the Learning Mastery Gradebook. Once Biotility finalizes the scores, a cumulative report with official results is sent to the Site Administrator and designated Score Recipients within two (2) weeks. The Site Administrator is then responsible for notifying candidates of their official scores.
After a Paper and Pencil Testing event, Exam Sites return completed exams to Biotility using the provided return shipping label. Once received, Biotility scores the exams and emails the score reports (a cumulative report and individual score reports) to the Site Administrator and designated Score Recipients within two (2) weeks. The Site Administrator is responsible for distributing individual score reports to candidates and notifying them of their score.
How do candidates receive their credential?
To pass the BACE, candidates must achieve an overall score of 80%. Upon passing the BACE, electronic credentials are sent to the candidate’s registered email address. Credentials are issued through Accredible, offering multiple options for sharing. More details are available in Accredible’s Recipient Knowledge Base.
What factors may lead to a candidate's score being invalidated?
Exam scores may be invalidated if the candidate violates the exam rules and policies outlined in the BACE Administration Policies and Procedures document. These rules include restrictions on communication, use of unauthorized materials, and conduct during the exam. It is important for candidates to review and follow these rules carefully to ensure their scores remain valid.
What are the computer requirements for the Practice Exam Course?
Exam Site technical staff should refer to the Technical Guide for UF e-Learning for a detailed list of computer requirements needed to support candidate access to the BACE exam and the online Practice Exam Course.
How do candidates create a username and password for UF e-Learning?
Candidates must have an account to access BACE content on UF e-Learning (UFEL). Biotility will email the Exam Site an invitation with a unique Enrollment Link to distribute to candidates. To create an account, candidates should:
- Select the Enrollment Link.
- Complete registration using an external identity (Google, LinkedIn, or Microsoft).
- Provide the requested registration information (name, birthdate, email address, and phone number).
- Verify the account by responding to the account confirmation email.
For a complete description of the account creation and enrollment process, the Accessing UF e-Learning document should be reviewed.
How do employers verify a candidate's credential?
Employers may verify a BACE credential online using Accredible’s Credential Verification Tool. Verification methods include the credential URL, Credential ID number, or an open badge image upload.
Does Biotility have a public registry?
Biotility offers a where credentialed candidates can choose to showcase their verified achievements. By opting into this registry, candidates make their credentials easily accessible for employers to view and verify, enhancing their professional visibility. This online registry highlights all verified credentials issued by Biotility, allowing employers to directly confirm a candidate’s accomplishments.
Why are significant figures NOT required in all of the calculations on the BACE?
In order to maintain accuracy when making calculations for solutions, a question may ask for significant figures, for a number with a specified amount of decimals, or for a whole number. It is important for candidates to remember to use significant figures only when the question specifically asks for them. Otherwise, they must follow the directions in each question.
For example, a candidate may see a question similar to the following:
“Calculate the volume in mL of 20X TAE Buffer required to make 1500 mL of 1X TAE Buffer. Record the correct amount below.”
C1V1 = C2V2
(1X TAE) (1500 mL) = (20X TAE) (V2)
V2 = 1500 mL / 20X TAE
V2 = 75 mL
If you were to follow significant digit rules, the answer would be 80 mL of 20X TAE stock buffer. However if you plug this answer back into the equation, you get a value of 0.9375X TAE buffer for C2, which is incorrect.
C1V1 = C2 V2
(20X TAE) (80 mL) = (C2) (1500 mL)
C2 = 1500 mL / 1600 mL
C2 = 0.9375X TAE
Please follow the directions in each question.
Last Updated: September 18, 2023