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Hover over each resource card to find out more information.
To visit the resource site, simply click on the title.
Amgen Biotechnology: History and Applications
Amgen: The Science of Biotechnology
Amgen is one of the world’s leading biotechnology companies. They provide an excellent introduction to the field of Biotechnology, along with information about discovering and developing new medicines – the future of Biotech.
Bio-Rad: Video Tutorials - Skills & Techniques
BioRad: YouTube Video Channel
These videos provide training for many core biotechnology skills. Categories include Laboratory Skills, Microbiology & Cell Culture, DNA Structure and Analysis, Protein Structure and Analysis, and Immunological Applications.
Biotech Careers
Biotech Careers
Biotech Careers is an in-depth database of information about the biotechnology industry, organized around Careers, Job Areas, Internships, Stories & Blogs, Work Experiences, and Biotech Companies. Learn about the various career options in the field, and see what it is actually like to work in the biotechnology industry.
CTE Online
CTE Online
This repository contains thousands of lesson plans aligned to CTE, Common Core, and Next Generation Science Standards, as well as integrated STE(A)M projects and model course outlines to copy and share. The site also provides tools for users to create their own curriculum and collaborate in groups.
Current Good Manufacturing Practices in the Biotech Industry
Current Good Manufacturing Practices in the Biotech Industry
CGMP are a system for ensuring that regulated healthcare products, such as drugs and medical devices, are consistently produced and controlled according to quality standards. This series covers the fundamentals of of GMP, the drug development process, the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), the organization of departmental roles within a biotechnology company, and finally documentation and Good Documentation Practices (GDP).
Digital World Bio
Digital World Bio
Digital World Biology is a leading developer of apps and iBooks for STEM Education. Flagship products, such as Molecule World and the MW DNA Binding Lab, provide students with fun and engaging ways to visualize and work with authentic 3D chemical and macromolecular structure models in ways that help connect the sequences of DNA, RNA, and proteins with their structures and biological functions.
HHMI Biointeractive
HHMI Biointeractive
From data-rich activities and case studies to high-quality videos and interactive media, our resources are designed to connect students to big ideas in biology, promote engagement with science practices, and instill awe and wonder about the living world. In addition, the BioInteractive website provides educators with planning tools to build resource playlists and storylines, and professional learning materials and opportunities to deepen their scientific and pedagogical expertise. Our resources and tools reflect current knowledge of how students learn and evidence-based strategies for supporting engagement and inclusion.
National Center for Biotechnology Information
National Center for Biotechnology Information
The National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) advances science and health by providing access to biomedical and genomic information. NCBI is home to popular informatics tools such as BLAST, and literature resources such as PubMed. NCBI creates a variety of educational products including courses, workshops, webinars, training materials and documentation. NCBI educational events are free and open to everyone. All NCBI educational materials are available for anyone to re-use and distribute.
The New York Times
New York Times: What's Going On In This Graph?
Each week an engaging Times graph is selected and paired with a simple set of questions – asking students what they notice, what they wonder, and what they think is going on. Live moderation is provided by statistics teachers on Wednesdays. At the end of each week, a ‘reveal’ is posted which shares the original article with the graph, highlights from the moderation, related statistical concepts, and helpful vocabulary.
PBS Learning Media
PBS Learning Media: Biotechnology Collection
These resources explore common laboratory techniques used for treating disease and improving diagnosis, and examine the ethical debate over such research. Career profiles demonstrate the multifaceted nature of biotechnology jobs and the wide range of opportunities in the field.
Northwest Association for Biomedical Research
Through education and dialog, the Northwest Association for Biomedical Research (NWABR) is dedicated to promoting the public’s trust in ethically conducted biomedical research. NWABR has an extensive lesson archive including full plans, rubrics, and guidelines, and also provides a variety of professional development programs to promote understanding of biomedical research.
National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science
National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science
The National Center for Case Study Teaching in Science includes a collection of peer-reviewed case studies in science. The case studies are intended to support critical thinking skills centered on contemporary, real-world science scenarios. Cases can be used not only to teach scientific concepts and content, but also process skills and critical thinking. And since many of the best cases are based on contemporary, and often contentious, science problems that students encounter in the news, the use of cases in the classroom makes science relevant.
Teach.Genetics is created in Salt Lake City, Utah, by the Genetic Science Learning Center part of University of Utah Health Sciences. Here you’ll find a wealth of resources and information aimed at helping educators bring genetics, bioscience and health alive in the classroom. A companion to the popular Learn.Genetics website, Teach.Genetics offers additional tools and resources to support your curriculum, all free of charge.
Professional Development for Educators
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